Power of the Pen: Crosby, Trout and RG III Punctuate Panini America’s New Arrivals

September 13, 2012

I have seen the future of sports card collecting . . . and it is stunning. OK, what I’ve really seen — just this week — are the newest on-card autographs that have hit Panini America HQ in the last few days and that soon will be starring in the company’s upcoming MLBPANBA, NFL and NHL trading card products. And those are, just to reiterate, absolutely, positively stunning.

In fact, I had a preview gallery all ready to post this morning documenting the goodies that had arrived through yesterday. But then a fresh batch of superstar shipments arrived this morning, mandating I add them to this gallery before posting.

Indeed, just this morning we received on-card autographs from three of the hottest, most-collected young superstars in the world of sports: Robert Griffin III returned his 2012 Prime Signatures Football autographs, Sidney Crosby returned his 2011-12 Dominion Hockey autographs and baseball sensation Mike Trout returned his 2012 Signature Series Baseball autographs. And that’s just the short list.

Also included in the preview gallery below are hard-signed gems from the likes of Larry Bird and Jason Kidd slated for the upcoming release of 2012-13 Threads Basketball, as well as more peeks at Signature Series Baseball, Prime Signatures Football and Dominion Hockey.
