Sign of Things to Come: Peeking New Autos for 2011 Prime Cuts & Limited Baseball
Over the last few weeks we’ve shared just some of the highlights from Panini America’s great “Spring Training Autograph Tour of 2012,” compliments of Acquisitions Manager Tone Stakes as he makes the rounds in Florida and Arizona.
In previous dispatches, Stakes has shared behind-the-scenes anecdotes, images of the players signing and even a few card sneak peeks. But today, we’re going full-blown, up-close card gallery in an effort to preview some of the sweetest signatures acquired so far for upcoming MLBPA-licensed products 2011 Prime Cuts and 2011 Limited.
To be sure, what you’re about to see is jaw-dropping — in terms of the quality of signer, sure, but especially in terms of the quality of the signatures. From Hall of Famers to future Hall of Famers to future stars, they’re all represented below, with high-quality penmanship to match.
Stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance for additional previews.