Special Panini Unwrapped Double Feature: 2012 Cooperstown & 2012 Signature Series

November 08, 2012

Late yesterday afternoon, Panini America’s Tracy Hackler sat down with company baseball aficionados Mike Payne and Ben Ecklar, one after the other, to bust some early boxes of the long-awaited 2012 Cooperstown Baseball and the live-today 2012 Signature Series Baseball.

Two dramatically different products, both with their own considerable merits and packed with enough pop, pomp, circumstance and history to appeal to baseball fans and collectors of all ages and experience levels.

In the following special Panini Unwrapped double feature, Payne and Ecklar provide tons of insight and behind-the-scenes skinny on how these two product came about. To help complete the experience for you, we’ve also provided the complete checklists for both products.

Here’s the 2012 Cooperstown Baseball checklist: 2012 Panini Cooperstown CL xls

Here’s the 2012 Signature Series Baseball checklist: 2012 Panini Signature Series CL xls

After you’ve watched both videos, please offer your take on them — which one appeals more to you, what you like most about each one, what you like least about each one. Really, we’re just looking for your candid feedback. In exchange, we’re offering three boxes of each product as prizes.

We’ll give you a week or so to offer your feedback before selecting six winners. Thanks in advance for your participation. We look forward to hearing from you. Now, onto the double feature . . .

2012 Cooperstown Baseball
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rPnkDrSFR4&w=600&h=338]

2012 Signature Series Baseball
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgqVqRoxrnU&w=600&h=338]