The Drool Gallery: More On-Card Eye Candy Coming to National Treasures & Dominion

July 08, 2011

I just can’t get enough. I need more emails from Rosalinda Rios. I crave them. I hold my breath for them. I . . . can’t . . . go . . . on . . . without . . . them.

Especially this time of year, when Rios’ daily “Autos in House” notifications are filled with on-card breath-takers slated for inclusion in huge late-summer blockbusters 2010-11 National Treasures Basketball and 2010-11 Dominion Hockey.

Take today’s email for example. Butterflies started forming in my stomach well before the Microsoft Outlook “ding” signifying that her like-clockwork missive had arrived at 9:44 a.m. All flush-faced and jittery, I darted down to acquisitions without even reading what treasures were included among today’s arrivals.

Turns out it was these:

Viewer warning: The following images may make some viewers weak-kneed and light-headed. We strongly advise you to view while in a seated position.

For more breathtaking galleries of cards appearing in 2010-11 National Treasures Basketball and 2010-11 Dominion Hockey, you can go here and here.